facebookHow long was your financial history in back-testing your investment model? Thanks - Seedly



09 May 2019


How long was your financial history in back-testing your investment model? Thanks

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Tai Zhi

09 May 2019

Chief Investment Officer at Autowealth

Since 2001 when world data was first available. This would have covered many market cycles and crises including the 2001 Dot-Com bubble, 2003 SARS epidemic, 2008 GFC, 2010 Euro Debt Crisis I, 2011 Euro Debt Crisis II, 2015/16 China meltdown.

The backtesting is carried out to provide scientific basis for our return & risk projections. That said, we strongly urge you to assess our actual investment returns which are published and updated on our website https://www.autowealth.sg/strategy.php

This practice of publishing investment returns is a reflection of our confidence to deliver superior returns and also a reflection of our values to provide transparency. We note that we are the first in the robo-advisory space and the only one to do this.

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