facebookHow does MoneyOwl stand out from the other robo-advisors in the market currently? If you have to give a plug for MoneyOwl, what would it be? - Seedly


07 Oct 2020


How does MoneyOwl stand out from the other robo-advisors in the market currently? If you have to give a plug for MoneyOwl, what would it be?

To be honest, I don't think MoneyOwl is as popular or mentioned as much compared to the other robo-advisors such as Endowus, Syfe, StashAway, kristal.AI, AutoWealth etc.

AMA MoneyOwl

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Chuin Ting Weber

07 Oct 2020

CEO and CIO at MoneyOwl

Hi Anonymous,

Thanks very much for your question and for allowing me to share about MoneyOwl.

I think the main difference between MoneyOwl and the companies you mentioned is not in what we do but who we are. We aren't really a "pure start-up", funded by VCs or founder money. Not to say that this is bad in itself. But for us, this is not how we started as we are a JV between NTUC Enterprise - with 5 decades of serving working families and Providend - a best-in-class comprehensive and homegrown adviser with a history of ethical advice and a pioneer in the fee-for-service model. MoneyOwl was built on this heritage and continues to bring this to Singapore, to which we are fully committed. This also means building our business in a way that is sustainable and ethical. We do not just want to compete on price to be the cheapest - though we are among the lowest cost - but focus on the value we bring.

Secondly, in a sense, MoneyOwl isn't really a roboadviser - rather, we are a comprehensive adviser that happens to have an investment robo platform. Actually we have 4 platforms: insurance, investments, will-writing and comprehensive planning that integratest CPF. We are big on CPF because we think that this is the best retirement planning tool for many Singaporeans and we have to integrate it into retirement plans.

Thirdly, MoneyOwl is Singapore's first bionic adviser. We bring human wisdom and technology together. This is not about client service or even about fund management hubris. It is about human advisers - and we have a full team - augmented by technology because being a social enterprise, it is all about people; and humans are the ones who understand humans the best.

Hope this answers your question!​​​

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