Have a new year's resolution that scares you a bit?
Share it with the Seedly community and we just might help you to make it happen!
For this campaign, we decided to pick 2 winners!
Congratulations Yixuan Wang and Heng Kai Le, the Seedly team will be helping you with your 2021 New Year's Resolutions!
We're helping Yixuan to start her monthly reading habit by gifting her, her first book for 2021!
We're giving Kai Le access to Seedly Opinions (a closed beta that's only open to a select few) to help him grow a following for his blog on Seedly! Look out for his Opinions in your Seedly feed!
To everyone else who shared your 2021 New Year's Resolutions...
The Seedly Team wishes you all the best in your endeavours as you work hard towards an awesome 2021!
If you haven't figured out what your New Year's Resolution should be... why not try our 52-Week Money Saving Challenge this 2021?
It doesn't matter how siao you think it is, just take a leap of faith!
And who knows?
We just might help you to MAKE IT HAPPEN!