facebookWhat happens if a robo-advisor goes bankrupt? - Seedly



12 May 2020


What happens if a robo-advisor goes bankrupt?

I have contacted Stashaway but I'm not convinced by their response.

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Asheesh Chanda

12 May 2020

Founder at Kristal.AI

Hi there,

At kristal.AI we use Saxo Capital Markets as the broker and hence custodian for our retail portfolios. They too are regulated by MAS and maintain the capital requirements as needed. For significantly larger sized accounts we even offer managing portfolios in Bank of Singapore / DBS or any such bank account. In the event of Kristal closing down, all assets held at Saxo via Kristal have to be sold and cash transferred out to another bank or broker. An administrator typically oversees this process. Client money is always kept segregated from comapny funds and there two can never be intermingled regulatorily.

Given the size that we have grown to the risk of us facing such closure is limited. However if you have a much larger portfolio feel free to know more about our managed account offering.


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Tai Zhi

30 Jan 2020

Chief Investment Officer at Autowealth

I work for AutoWealth. To provide the highest safeguard to you, your assets and monies will be held ...

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