facebookWhat is the net worth required to retire in Singapore if you are small family with yearly expenses of 50k sgd - Seedly



10 Jul 2021



What is the net worth required to retire in Singapore if you are small family with yearly expenses of 50k sgd

Currently I have managed to grow my investment consistently to 3.5 million SGD as and have no liability. Does not own a house but I rent till now. Want to know what is the net worth for early retirement.

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Since no liability. Tbh you can retire comfortably already. And assuming your child is grown up of course. With insurance sufficiently covered

How old are your children and do you plan to send them for overseas university education or local uni?

That may be the largest single expenditure to consider. Once that is factored for, then the others are regular expenses.

I will do the below:

  1. 1 mil to buy a house.
  2. 1.5 mil to invest and get at least 4 % dividend.
  3. 1 mil as spare cash.

You need to decide if rental yields Are gonna increase vs your investment returns. Look at the projected rise in your biggest expenses which prob will be rent.

Like what others have commented, the amount is a comfortable sum for retirement, even if your curren...

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