facebookSupposing you have enough funds, would you quit your job to take a break? I think i'm on a verge of a burn out but i feel guilty becos there are people worse than me. - Seedly


07 May 2024


Supposing you have enough funds, would you quit your job to take a break? I think i'm on a verge of a burn out but i feel guilty becos there are people worse than me.

I am so tired working, i've been working hustling since 17 and i'm priviledge to have settled most financial commitments.

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I see that you have hustled hard. i would take some rest if i needed to.

I am unsure of your whole situation.

is it possible to use your leave to rest? Then return to your work if you like your work?

Yes.if i have enogunh saving for rest of my life, I may take a break and travel for few months to see the world. After that i will work for what i am interested in without considering the pay.

The heck do you care about people worse than you? Take a break if you can afford it and are in a pos...

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