facebookWould like to know how many months on average do people find a job? Should i take up a job which does not pay much or wait for the right job with acceptable pay (to me)? - Seedly


04 Apr 2021


Would like to know how many months on average do people find a job? Should i take up a job which does not pay much or wait for the right job with acceptable pay (to me)?

Emergency savings, insurance & investments settled.

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Depends on how much savings u hv to tide u thru otherwise find a temporary job to get some income n lookout for a proper job at the same time

How many months - usually max 2.

should u wait - depends on your commitments esp with regards to family. if the role is a good learning opportunity i would lower my salary expectations

It's actually much easier to find a job when there is a previous employer or some former co-worker who could make a good recommendation for you. If there are problems with this, I advise you to read article what is a good work ethic to make this process easier. It's good that now there is more information on how to become a more attractive candidate.

It is difficult to provide an exact answer as to how many months it takes people on average to find a job.

This can depend on various factors such as the type of job, location and experience.

Ultimately, this decision should be based off your individual needs and preferences; if you need immediate income then taking up a job with less pay may be more beneficial than waiting for one that pays better but could take longer time frame before being offered or accepted.

Shania Loh

04 Apr 2021

Seedly Student Ambassador 2020/21 at Seedly

Hey Anon, if you have enough savings to tide you through the next 2-4 months, I'd wait for the right...

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