facebookI am feeling very tired/sian working but if i decide to quit to take a break, i'm afraid of not being able to find a job. Hence i find myself often in this loop. Anyone feel the way? - Seedly


08 Jan 2024


I am feeling very tired/sian working but if i decide to quit to take a break, i'm afraid of not being able to find a job. Hence i find myself often in this loop. Anyone feel the way?

For those in the20-30s, how many mths of emergency funds do you keep?

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Have at least 3-6 months bare minimum

Dude, I am in my 40s and jobless. I have almost no debt except for my $230k HDB loan, married but no kids with $200k cash and stocks and I still don't think its enough to last me till I find a new job

About 10 months worth. You will be able to find a job, don't use that as an excuse. Just YOLO and go for it.

It's good to take sabbatical leave (if employer approves) or just quit to take a break and do some soul searching what job is sustainable by doing it long term. I did that and I switched to a new industry, took pay cut and I am still in the same job & industry after a decade. Doing a job that I find meaning in it helps me find inner peace. It may look scary to quit without a job and with no income, but everything happens for a reason. It could be a blessing in disguise.

Do not tie up your whole identity to your work. Compartmentalize your lifestyle and as Rick said, fi...

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