facebookIs it wise to wipe out CPF OA to pay for a 2-room (single)? Is it possible to pay partly with CPF and partly with bank loan? - Seedly


Nur Izzati

21 May 2021



Is it wise to wipe out CPF OA to pay for a 2-room (single)? Is it possible to pay partly with CPF and partly with bank loan?

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No - keep some monies in your OA in the event if you think in the forseeable future you may have issues paying your loan.

For second question - yes to a certain extent. You can pay with CPF (aka HDB loan) and thereafter switch to a bank loan. However the switch cannot be made back to HDB loan once you go into a bank loan.

There are pros and cons to HDB loan and Bank Loan which you can find more information online.

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