facebookIs it the time to accumulating Ascendas Reit since the price has fallen? - Seedly



25 Mar 2021


Is it the time to accumulating Ascendas Reit since the price has fallen?

It seems to have a lot of selling of Reits recently.

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Kasper Toh

Edited 16 Jan 2025

Marketing Manager at ERA Realty

Ascendas Reit, Singapore’s first and largest listed business space and industrial Real Estate Investment Trust.

It has been experiencing slow growth and lacklustre performance, especially in Singapore. It is worrying as Ascendas Singapore properties have an average of 87.6% occupancy rate.

This shows that there is no excessive demands in Singapore.

For example, 2 Corporation Place is 69% occupied. Another example is Ascendas IBP which has a below average occupancy rate of 55%

Stagnating domestic growth has been reflected in Ascendas DPU.

Management is aware of this issue and has been aggressively expanding overseas.

It’s assets used to primarily be in Singapore. However come 2021, it has 40% of it assets overseas.

Ascendas Reit is a fundamentally stable company with a strong sponsor Capitaland. It has leveraged on the low-interest rate climate to raise funds. It also carried out equity raising in Nov 2020 in anticipation of overseas acquisition.

The properties have expected gains of 4-6% which leads to accretive acquisition. Hence, it is likely for Ascendas to see stable YoY increase in DPU growth.

Now is a great sg sale and US sale. 🛒🛒
Buy when price fall, hold when price🚀🚀🚀

If u think Areit is a good reit, dont wait.


09 Mar 2021

Owner and Writer at Tortoisemoney.com

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