facebookIf I would like to purchase Apple products, what card + merchant should I use to maximise my mileage? - Seedly


Boon Ming

Engineering at Nanyang Technological University

10 Feb 2020

Credit Cards

If I would like to purchase Apple products, what card + merchant should I use to maximise my mileage?

Are there any credit cards that have deas with apple to get extra mileage? If no, what cards should I be considering? What other considerations should I be taking into account in this scenario?

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Citibank rewards visa assuming you are buying it via the apple estore for the highest miles per dollar. It will be more efficent

Hi Boon Ming,

I would like to take the opportunity to correct some of the advice that have been given below.

  1. The UOB preferred platinum only considers online transactions that fall within their whitelisted merchant codes. The Apple online store may not fall under this category and may not award 4mpd.

  2. I note that the Citi Rewards MasterCard has been left out for online transactions. Simialr to it's VISA counterpart, the Citi Rewards MasterCard will also award 4mpd for purchases made on the Apple online store.

Use dbs WW d buying online

or ocbc titanium if buying instore
and uob ppv or visa signature is usi...

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