facebookI'm currently Year 2 in university and my peers are already investing and I feel like I'm lagging behind them because I'm not investing. I do want to be rich but is investing for everyone? - Seedly



23 Sep 2020



I'm currently Year 2 in university and my peers are already investing and I feel like I'm lagging behind them because I'm not investing. I do want to be rich but is investing for everyone?

AMA The Woke Salaryman

Discussion (11)

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I am sure when they lose money, they do not tell you too.

It is not the skill that is lagging, it is the strength of mind you are lagging.

Don't compare with others.

Investing is like walking across a minefield, If you got a chicken brain, you take the lead . If you got a monkey brain, you let your friends go first and to follow. If you got normal human brain, you let your friends go first and not follow until they blow up. If you are really really smart, you convince some of your friends to stay back and go later just to make sure you are the last to move...... learning from all the broken bones and bloody ground. On the other hand , dont be the kiasu who gets cold feet on seeing on the destruction and never walk the investing minefield, They miss the diamonds mine just across.

Stop. comparing. yourself. with. others. its a one way road to failure and unhappiness. everyone is on their own journey and its better for you to GO AT YOUR OWN PACE. do it because you feel the need to and not cause everyone else is doing it


Its also not a question about whether its for everyone, everyone HAS to do it if you want to build a substaintial nest egg, its a different story when you have the ability to generate high income (eg. business owner/high paying job) what differs is the style of investing. Start doing your own research and decide what style or whether its apporpriate for you to do now.


we live in a time where its easy to earn money while investing, hence everyone seems to be doing it and making a killing from it.



22 Oct 2021

Senior Manager at Great Eastern Financial Adviser

Investing is not for everyone! It depends on your risk appetite and your money also!


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