facebookHi. I'm 25, plan to invest 20k for a start and invest 1 or 2k monthly thereafter. Want to do a long term investment, likely 10 to 15 years to grow my wealth. Any advice how I should invest? - Seedly


28 Aug 2020



Hi. I'm 25, plan to invest 20k for a start and invest 1 or 2k monthly thereafter. Want to do a long term investment, likely 10 to 15 years to grow my wealth. Any advice how I should invest?

Been reading and I'm considering these options:

  • Syfe Equity100 and REIT+ or StashAway 36%
  • FMSOne RSP or TDA, still reading up which ETFs are good to buy and hold, maybe VOO VT etc
  • Tiger Broker or TDA, probably for individual stocks
    Are they good to go?

Should I then invest all 20k in one of the above or is better to do few or any better options for considerations? Besides ETFs, any other options I should consider after learning more? Any other advice if there are. Thank you.

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Regarding your circumenstances, you can invest your 20k into a Robo-investor. These are usually for the long-term and you can personally set the risk level and future goals regarding your money. I personally use AutoWealth and aside from my first lump sum, I also set aside a monthly recurring amount to put transferred into AutoWealth.

With your other cash, you can maybe put them into mutual funds or ETFs and also hold for the long term.

An interesting ETF would be something like the ARKK, a combination of innovative stocks picked by ARK Invest.

For something safer, you could put your money into something like the S&P500.

A World ETF could also do.

For individual stocks, I'll definitely go for TDA, especially now that there is no commission fee. I've been using it for awhile now, and it's easy to use on the phone or on your computer.

Also, you can look into growth/software-as-a-service (SAAS) stocks so you can hold them long term and let the money compound and grow.

If you want to have someone manages your portfolio for you, I would recommend https://endowus.com/ . They leverage on the best fund managers in the world by accessing their time-tested strategies at the lowest cost possible. They also will do a portfolio allocation for you to suit your risk appetite.โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹


24 Aug 2020

Content & Community Lead at Syfe

For a long-term investment, you can consider using a core-satellite investing strategy(https://www...

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