I think I'm a rather risk-averse person and I'd rather have investments for the long-run but I just don't know which video to believe every time I try to search in yt so I'm writing here to try and ask for advice.
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ETF eg S&P
Hey Amhir,
Firstly congrats & good job on having the disciple to save up money at a young age. It is really a lifelong skill which you will thank yourself later down the road.
To answer your question, there really isn't a model answer for this and it really depends on your goals & risk appetite.
Low risk: Fixed dip & high yield savings acct
Medium risk: Endownment plans, unit trusts, etfs, funds & etc
High risk: Stocks
Its always best to have your money placed in a diverse range from products from low to high risk. (high risk if you are comfotable that is).
It can be daunting at first but start small, slowly build up your knowledge and you'll be there before you even notice.
Lastly, not everyone needs to invest or be a fiancial wizard. There are many singaporeans that have comfotable lives who do not invest. Spending wisely, saving inteligently, good work ethics & improving your employablility. These are far more important for your financial health that knowing where to invest.
Hope this helps! :)
I think the best is you have a high savings account first to begin with
Personally I started by putting my money in a guaranteed kind of Investment
Chocolate Finance where they offer 3.6% for first 20K and 3.2% for next 30K - daily interest and flexibility to withdraw anytime
Then I will go around shop for ETF/SG Banks/REITs
Ngooi Zhi Cheng
22 Nov 2024
Student Ambassador 2020/21 at Seedly
Hey there! Your question really hits home because I was exactly in your shoes during my NTU days. Li...
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Hello, some low risk options are FD and SSB, here are other safer investment options for you to consider too. you can consider robo advisors such as syfe.