facebookFor Robo-Advisors, do I just sit around and wait for my money to grow or do I have the option of actually selling my shares? - Seedly



16 Oct 2019


For Robo-Advisors, do I just sit around and wait for my money to grow or do I have the option of actually selling my shares?

I just started putting in $100 this month and I’m not too sure if I’m supposed to be completely passive and wait for the market to pick up or do I have the option of selling my shares and all? Appreciate the help for a confused soul here

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Hariz Arthur Maloy

16 Oct 2019

Independent Financial Advisor at Promiseland Independent

Yeah pretty much. You are passing money to the financial advisor and letting them make the decisions of where to invest in your money according to your risk profile.

You can choose to withdraw money from the platform anytime but not choose which specific underlying holding to sell or buy, that's their decision to make.

So it would be best you try not to look at your account too often. And trust the investment methodology the financial advisor has which got you to trust them with your money in the first place.

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