facebookCredit card (reward or miles) for Travel expenses - Seedly


Edited 28 Jan 2024

Credit Cards

Credit card (reward or miles) for Travel expenses


Have plans to travel a few times a year.

When overseas will use either amaze or YouTrip card.

For day to day usage, I have another card. I do have UOB lady's card but currently tied to another category.

I will like to get another card for the purpose to make payment of the travel expenses (eg. airbnb and flight tickets).

I have three cards in mind:

1) Citi PremierMiles Card

2) DBS Altitude Card

3) DBS Women's World Card

If there other suggestion for credit cards, feel free to share here.

HSBC Revolution Credit card* and Citi Rewards Credit Card exclude travel transactions.

*From 1st January 2024, bookings at online travel agencies like Expedia, Airbnb and at some hotels will no longer earn 4 mpd with the HSBC Revolution card.

Discussion (7)

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I have all 3 cards and will use the DBS WW Card for travel expenses with its highest reward of 4mpd for up to $1500 starting 1 Mar.

To optimise your credit card strategy for other spending, I have been working on a site that helps you check out additional suggestions or verify that the cards you have indeed maximises your rewards. Would be very thankful if you took the time to check it out (https://bit.ly/nuovisoldi) and share your thoughts. Thanks!

Altitude doesn't give bonus miles for air tickets through their official airline sites anymore. Altitude only gives bonuses to Expedia and Kaligo (travel related).

Chin Guo Qiang

26 Jan 2024

Assistant Vice President, IT EUC at OCBC

Depending on your current high yield savings account (which bank), then choose from your listed options.

This upcomig credit card can assist in "unlocking" more bonus interest rates on the bank account, as a fulfilment of credit card spending requirement (if applicable, usually is $500 per month or more).


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