facebookWhat is the best endowment and annuity plan in the market now? - Seedly


10 May 2020


What is the best endowment and annuity plan in the market now?

I'm looking for a plan that will last for around 50 years. Any advice?

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Usually, when I compare between endownment plans, retirement plans and annuity plan, I will compare the IRR of the policy which can find within the policy illustration. Based on my own individual research (I am not an agent), I found that NTUC Income Gro Retire East offers the highest IRR of 4.77% based on my age, gender etc. It's features also works similar like CPF life and have higher interest than CPF SA account (at 4% after you hit 40k). I have been asking agents for other policies but can't find one that matches this IRR.

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Elijah Lee

04 May 2020

Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)

Hi anon,

If you are looking at a plan that will last 50 years, you will either have the option of a perpetual endowment, a drawdown annuity designed to pay you till the 50th year, or a lifetime income plan, which might last longer than 50 years, depending on your current age.

  • Perpetual Endowment: You'll save for a number of years, e.g. 10 or 15 years, and then the monies inside will continue to compound indefinitely or till age 99/120 (depending on the insurer). You'll be able to do partial withdrawals from the policy after a certain point and whatever you didn't touch will continue to accumulate.

  • Drawdown annuity: You'll save for a number of years, e.g. 10 years, the plan will accumulate over another, say, 20 years, and then you'll get a stream of guaranteed and non-guaranteed income over the last 20 years. Works like CPF Life. May come with benefits such as disability payouts.

  • Lifetime Income: You'll save for a number of years, e.g 10 years, and after an accumulation period (specified by you), you will get a yearly payout for life, consisting of a guaranteed and non-guaranteed component. Your capital is usually also guaranteed, and may even rise over time, depending on the plan.

Now, since I do not know your profile, it is hard to give a blanket answer as to which plan is the best. What I'll suggest is for you to speak to an independent financial advisor so that you can understand the plan better and see which one will suit you best. You'll also be able to get a comparision of the plans available for you so that you can look at the numbers and make an informed decision.

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Hariz Arthur Maloy

04 May 2020

Independent Financial Advisor at Promiseland Independent

Hi Anon the two types of products that provide for that long are Perpetual Endowments or Lifetime Income Annuities.

Here's a quick snapshot of these two types of products.

But note that for different ages and genders, there could be different Projected IRRs.

I'd suggest speaking to an Independent Financial Advisor for a comparison. :)

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I was considering aviva my life savings as it gives guaranteed capital at 15 years and the plan will only end when you are 99. You may even hand it over to your child if you wish. Flexible withdrawals.

for annuity, you may wanna look into aviva my retirement choice or Manulife retireready which give better guaranteed returns.

Most if not all insurers would be able to give you an endowment that would suit your needs. As to th...

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