facebookAnyone know why my Syfe portfolio is 15% DR is having negative return? - Seedly


08 Jan 2021


Anyone know why my Syfe portfolio is 15% DR is having negative return?

Put in 2k plus before covid, now is like nearly - 7%in return.

Any advise?

Discussion (8)

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Did you average down and dca over the months? Another reason why is maybe cause your have a huge allocation to bonds, which is a drag to the portfolio. Go for more equities, will it will be more worth it in the long run

Elijah Lee

07 Jan 2021

Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)

Hi anon,

That's just how investing is.

Just because you hand your money over to a robo advisor (any robo advisor, really) does not mean you will make money year on year.

This is something that you will need to understand. The premise of automation, lower fees, etc, does not make a robo advisor immune to general market movement, black swan events, and volatility of the markets.

If you are extremely concerned about a loss of 7%, then you have to evaluate your risk tolerance.

Many people say they can take risk; that's all okay until the crash comes, and then the ones who can't might probably exit and run. This is a test of your personal tolerance of Mr. Market.

Being an investor is to be able to handle the ups and downs of the market.

To be clear, the portfo...

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