facebookWould a $150 increment entice you to job a good standing company which offers you potential of further growth based of my skillset? Another pro is close to home. - Seedly


28 Feb 2023


Would a $150 increment entice you to job a good standing company which offers you potential of further growth based of my skillset? Another pro is close to home.

However the cons is its a shift job (OT pay):( Or should i just wait out for another job...

Discussion (20)

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I personally think $150 is quite low but if you are really planning to switch a whole new industry and this is the only job u found but good for future, you may consider about it.

Sean Gerald

05 Mar 2023

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology at Singapore University of Social Sciences

Shift jobs are amazing, I don't find that a con at all. However the increment doesn't seem worth it at all.

I would say no.. find another job

It depends if u really think the job meets your expectations in terms of environment, prospects, work life harmony etc.. $150 is not really significant but if the welfare is better than I may consider.. for me flexibility is important too due to family commitment

$150 is low to me

If is lower than the yearly increament n overall annual is not significant

.. I...

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