facebookWill you count property into your net worth? Or only assets that are easily liquiable e.g stocks, watches etc. - Seedly



19d ago


Will you count property into your net worth? Or only assets that are easily liquiable e.g stocks, watches etc.

Discussion (18)

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Yes property is still considered your net worth as it can be sold for cash

Yes, I would count property in my net worth. here are the other things that you can consider in your net worth.

Kent Toh

15d ago

Consultant at Sprinklr

If it is about net worth - even your underwear can count.

But what is the purpose and context?

Are you vying to have the highest networth in singapore? Does it qualify you for some club?

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You should never count in an item that is your last necessity. In this case, you cannot count the home you live in as part of your net worth because it is not something you should or can liquidate without causing immense damage to your life.

Technically speaking, it is part of your net worth and you should count it (also makes you feel rich...

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