facebookWhich book the cook option is best on SQ? - Seedly



10 Dec 2019


Which book the cook option is best on SQ?

What are some fantastic book the cook options that you guys have had on SQ? from first-hand experience only please!!

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Many people are going to recommend the lobster thermidor. And like Aaron, many of them will also tell you it's overrated. Personally, I found the dish to be somewhat disappointing but that was largely because I never knew what a lobster thermidor was in the first place.

FYI - it's chunks of lobster cooked separately, mixed with a cheesy filling and then placed back in the lobster shells and baked. It is NOT (as I had wrongly imagined based on the photos) a whole lobster tail baked whole in the shell with a cheese topping.

My personal recommendation for Book the Cook is satay.

I only had the Chargrilled Soya-Flavoured Beef, but i heard great reviews about the lobster thermidor

I found the grilled beef with onion sauce, and the sauteed pork with butter soy sauce, to be pretty decent, in addition to the classic lobster thermidor.

Lobsetr Thermidor...

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