facebookWhat is the best investment option using SRS account fund? - Seedly



29 Sep 2019


General Investing

What is the best investment option using SRS account fund?

I am new to SRS account and investment so not sure where to invest and how much. My SRS account is with DBS and currently I have 4k in it. I know amount is not high but keeping it idle doesn't seem right. Thanks

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Cedric Jamie Soh

29 Sep 2019

Director at Seniorcare.com.sg

I will use the money in SRS to buy stocks or REITs for the long term.

The bank you are with does have a stock/fund scheme for your money in their SRS bank accounts. Do check out some low fees, or blue-chip stocks for your long term investment. You are right, $4k is not high, but keeping it to work is good. It will incentivise you to continue saving money into your SRS too.

Jason Sing

22 Oct 2018

School Of Hard Knocks And Life at School Of Hard Knocks And Life

Buying of annuities

Shares investing. This is because in SRS, you need to lock yourself up to 62 to enjoy subsidised tax...

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