facebookWhen I search up a dividend history of a particular REIT, it shows 2 values - Entitlement SGD 0.004 and Divididend SGD 0.009. What do they both mean? Why are there 2 different values? - Seedly



16 Jun 2020


General Investing

When I search up a dividend history of a particular REIT, it shows 2 values - Entitlement SGD 0.004 and Divididend SGD 0.009. What do they both mean? Why are there 2 different values?

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16 Jun 2020

Development & Acquisitions Manager at Real Estate Private Equity

I think the question has been tackled before. You can find the indepth answer here --> https://seedly.sg/questions/anyone-knows-the-di...

Hope it helps!

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