facebookWhat options do I have to fund a 5% downpayment in cash when buying a property? - Seedly



05 Mar 2020


Credit Cards

What options do I have to fund a 5% downpayment in cash when buying a property?

Currently, most liquid assets are only at the halfway mark. Not a good time to take out ETF and stocks. What other options are there? A credit line from CC?

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Andy Sim

05 Mar 2020

HR Professional at a Financial Institution

Hi Erman, the 5% downpayment for a private property can only be paid in cash.

Are you buying the property with another occupant? Will you be sharing the cash downpayment with the other person i.e. split the cost?

Otherwise you can consider taking a personal loan from the banks, but be careful of the high interest rates. You can consider engaging the services of mortgage brokers like Redbrick or Moneysmart to see if they are able to assist.

And yes, last resort may be to sell of your investments though you may make a loss. Guess you'll have to weigh the pros and cons of a personal loan vs taking a loss from your investments.

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If you are talking about HDB resale, then if you are eligible for HDB loan, you can use CPF to replace the 5% cash.

I don't think it's wise to use unsecured loan to fund for the 5% downpayment.

I would rather look for lower quantum property to fit my budget.

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