If you are buying into Funds on the DBS page, you aren't purchasing stocks yourself - fund managers are doing it for you. You essentially are transferring your investment capital to be managed by a professional, and you will incur management costs. You technically don't "own" the stock, since the fund manager and his fund is the one that owns it, but essentially you will earn the dividends and returns from his investments for you, minus costs of course. There is also a large variety of funds you can choose from that fits your investment horizon or risk appetite.
Buying STI ETF from brokerage accounts like DBS Vickers or SAXO capital markets, on the other hand, is different. ETFs trade like stocks, but traditional mutual funds don't. ETFs basically track a certain index performance, can be the broad market index like S&P, can be very narrow like only EV companies in US. But hardly do ETFs do individual stock picks, because their role is to track performance of a index, not outdo it. Since ETF trades like stocks, you can speculate in it, but it is very difficult to do so for funds, which may have exit costs and entrance loads.
If you are buying into Funds on the DBS page, you aren't purchasing stocks yourself - fund managers are doing it for you. You essentially are transferring your investment capital to be managed by a professional, and you will incur management costs. You technically don't "own" the stock, since the fund manager and his fund is the one that owns it, but essentially you will earn the dividends and returns from his investments for you, minus costs of course. There is also a large variety of funds you can choose from that fits your investment horizon or risk appetite.
Buying STI ETF from brokerage accounts like DBS Vickers or SAXO capital markets, on the other hand, is different. ETFs trade like stocks, but traditional mutual funds don't. ETFs basically track a certain index performance, can be the broad market index like S&P, can be very narrow like only EV companies in US. But hardly do ETFs do individual stock picks, because their role is to track performance of a index, not outdo it. Since ETF trades like stocks, you can speculate in it, but it is very difficult to do so for funds, which may have exit costs and entrance loads.