facebookWhat is best credit to use to pay for Insurance and income tax? To earn miles and cash rebate - Seedly


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06 Oct 2023

Credit Cards

What is best credit to use to pay for Insurance and income tax? To earn miles and cash rebate

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Chin Guo Qiang

Edited 02 Nov 2023

Assistant Vice President, IT EUC at OCBC

I use OCBC NXT Card for the insurance payments, at least the monthly payments can be split up into multiple periods of instalments and stretch the dollars.

If not, you might want to consider the following platforms for miles accural (administrative fee of certain %, usually 2+% of total amount spent applies) :

  1. CardUp
  2. Citi PayAll (Citibank credit cards only)
  3. AXS Pay+Earn (inconsistencies reported by MileLion dated 30/06/2023 : https://milelion.com/2023/06/30/axs-pay-any-bills-does-it-actually-earn-credit-card-rewards/)

Can use 3th party platform like ipaymy or cardup, but need to take note that there is some fee involved.

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