facebookSyfe just launched their "Cash+ Guaranteed" product, which they tout to have "minimal" SDIC insurance, compared to "No" insurance on their existing "Cash+ Flexi" product. - Seedly

Vernice Ng

Community Manager at Seedly

23 Aug 2023

General Investing

Syfe just launched their "Cash+ Guaranteed" product, which they tout to have "minimal" SDIC insurance, compared to "No" insurance on their existing "Cash+ Flexi" product.

Is the new product a better option to park cash, or is sticking with Fixed Deposits still decent enough, despite the lower interest rates?

Discussion (6)

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Seems similar to Tbills and rate is abou the same. Might be better to stick with Tbills.

Might well stick with the likes of T bills and CIMB Fastsaver kinda

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What is their definition of minimal ?...

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