facebookRe-investing in equities, should I choose Endowus or Syfe Equity100? Are they comparable/similar, in that both invests in stocks with top companies (Apple, Microsoft, etc.)? - Seedly


26 Oct 2020


Re-investing in equities, should I choose Endowus or Syfe Equity100? Are they comparable/similar, in that both invests in stocks with top companies (Apple, Microsoft, etc.)?

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26 Oct 2020

Hi there, thanks for your interest in Syfe Equity100.

As others have pointed out, Syfe's methodology is quite unique in that we employ a dynamic smart factor strategy for Equity100. Simply put, our investment team has identified three factors that will generate better risk-adjusted returns for the portfolio: growth, large-cap, and low-volatility.

We do not foresee these factors to change in the near future. Over the longer term however, we recognize that a factor that may be compelling during a certain market cycle may be less so in another. This is why we have also implemented a dynamic factor selection and weighting methodology for Equity100. Based on broader cyclical trends and changing market conditions, we will dynamically manage the factors our customers are exposed to.

What this all means is that Equity100 is designed to maximise portfolio efficiency and deliver the best possible risk-adjusted returns for you.

Another differentiating factor is that Syfe has no minimum investment amount (in addition to no brokerage fees and no withdrawal charges). This makes us more ideal for investors looking to build up their equity holdings month on month.
Hope this helps!


19 Oct 2020

Hi Anon,

The investment strategy of Endowus is very different from other roboadvisors, especially those that actively manage the ETFs themselves (either through looking at economic data or using "smart beta strategy").

Rather than trying to manage exposures ourselves, Endowus tap on fund managers (such as Dimensional and Vanguard) who have long track records of investment management to execute the investment strategies consistently, based on researched backed methods.

The 100% equities portfolio that Endowus holds have more than 10,000 underlying equities investing, which is more diversified than equities portfolios provided by other roboadvisors. Hope this helps.

Lin Yun Heng

19 Oct 2020

Senior Analyst at Delphi

Endowus is basically investing into a mutual fund/unit trust while Syfe Equity100 is investing into ...

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