facebookMum is retiring soon and she lacks a social life. She's also a vegetarian and doesn't like eating out at all, not even going out with friends. How to encourage her to go out more? - Seedly



18 Oct 2023


Mum is retiring soon and she lacks a social life. She's also a vegetarian and doesn't like eating out at all, not even going out with friends. How to encourage her to go out more?

Discussion (17)

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Maybe you can try hanging out with her more?


15 Nov 2023

FIRE Retirement Enthusiast at SGMoneyMatters.com

Oh my god i've so much to say about this as my mum is in similar situation (+ a dad who discourages her to go out).

1) taichi!!! not only is she healthier, she is also happier

2) handicraft/projects (she's been doing paper art and stuff at home and we have beautiful craft items at home ever since!)

3) skillsfuture (she joined ukelele and origami classes and recently she's been hanging out with the friends she made there!)

4) cooking classes (my mum loves to cook. after joining cooking classes, she's been expanding her recipes and I must say my tummy is the number 1 fan)

5) part time (she took up some chill part time jobs and not only does she still get a bit of income, she also pick up new skills)

6) tours (shes been attending those one day tours. recently she went to some durian farms, then those that brought them around to look at reservoirs... she's thoroughly enjoying herself)

I guess the most important thing is to find stuff she's interested in to do!

It's hard to change people mind at such age. Let them be. What's the worry?

Kent Toh

02 Nov 2023

Consultant at Sprinklr

Start with the nearby activities. Eg. neighbourhood group exercises / elder centres

Go to Community Centres for courses to join.

Look for volunteer/ free events. Some people like collecting freebies.

Sometimes you need to accompany her to get the foot out the door.

Initiate conversations for her eg. introducing her

Mine is also the same. I feel you should not force/encourage your mum to go out and respect her choi...

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