WSG has a comprehensive suite of resources to assist, from whether the job seeker is clear what he / she would like to do, to which sector may present more opportunities considering the skill sets, to needing assistance in putting food on the table first before anything, to resume preparation to being ready to attend interviews and actually being paired to meet potential employers. Do not know what mid-life crisis, but certainly if WSG does not have the right resource, WSG can certainly link the job-seeker with other organizations and support groups to render more suitable assistance.
WSG has a comprehensive suite of resources to assist, from whether the job seeker is clear what he / she would like to do, to which sector may present more opportunities considering the skill sets, to needing assistance in putting food on the table first before anything, to resume preparation to being ready to attend interviews and actually being paired to meet potential employers.
Do not know what mid-life crisis, but certainly if WSG does not have the right resource, WSG can certainly link the job-seeker with other organizations and support groups to render more suitable assistance.