facebookMade a donation on street, was told that 100% of the proceeds go to the charity, but found out later on the website that 30% of the donation goes to the fundraising service provider. Felt cheated :/ - Seedly



01 Feb 2024


Made a donation on street, was told that 100% of the proceeds go to the charity, but found out later on the website that 30% of the donation goes to the fundraising service provider. Felt cheated :/

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There will always be some running costs in the charity, someone will need to be paid to keep the charity running. admin staff etc.

I will not donate to fund raiser. One of my family member while in between jobs joined as a fund raiser with a particular organisation. The fund raisers are given a daily target to get donations or else they will not be paid that day's salary and literally provided free labour that day to the organisation. This looks like exploitation ! I would rather donate to ComChest or charity organisations directly and not through these fund raisers.

We may also donate to some organisations (eg: Community Chest, SPCA etc) by using our Shopee Coins (100 Shopee Coins = $1 donation) 🙂❤️👍

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Kent Toh

04 Feb 2024

Consultant at Sprinklr

A friend came to me and borrow $10. He say he return 1 week later.

1 month later he say he return $3 first.

Should you also feel cheated?

Either you give or you don't. If you do, don't set expectations on 100% returns.

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