facebookI'm new to investing. Am on Stashaway now. Thinking of going into REITs. What's the diff between Syfe REIT+ and Lion Phillip S Reits? - Seedly



18 May 2020


I'm new to investing. Am on Stashaway now. Thinking of going into REITs. What's the diff between Syfe REIT+ and Lion Phillip S Reits?

I read online about how Lion-Phillip S Reits is an ETF, while Syfe Reit+ is not. Is this true? why is Syfe Reit+ not considered an ETF since it is made up of a constituent basket of REITs? Appreciate any clarifications. Thanks!

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18 May 2020

Content & Community Lead at Syfe

The Syfe REIT+ portfolio tracks the SGX's iEdge S-REIT 20 index and has a REIT composition that is largely similar to the index. By investing in the REIT+ portfolio, you own actual units of these REITs, but without the many frictions associated with buying these REITS individually.

With REIT ETFs, you're in essence paying fees at the REIT level, as well as at the ETF level (to the ETF Fund Manager). The Syfe REIT+ portfolio simply charges an annual management fee that starts from as low as 0.4% per annum.

REIT+ offers you the option of choosing quarterly dividend payouts or having dividends reinvested automatically at no extra charge. You can DCA into the REIT+ portfolio to increase your REIT assets month by month without incurring further brokerage costs. You can find out more here: https://www.syfe.com/magazine/boost-your-divide...
Investors also have the option of choosing REIT+ with a Risk Managed option to balance against the risk of a severe portfolio loss during turbulent markets. That option will allocate a portion of the portfolio to Singapore government bonds to cushion your portfolio impact during adverse market conditions. ​​​

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