I’ve some financial and investment knowledge and save quite a bit ($20k-$25k). I have thought of buying insurance but am afraid what if I were to leave my jobs in two years time to further studies and I still need to continue paying for my insurance. My company has restrictions in allowing the staff to buy certain stocks or shares. Need some advise on how to grow my wealth? Thanks!
Discussion (3)
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Andy Sim
06 Mar 2020
HR Professional at a Financial Institution
Luke Ho
21 Dec 2018
Founder and Director at CFX Money Maverick Pte Ltd
In relation to continuing to pay for your insurance - you should continue to do so anyway because it's cheaper when you start younger. Don't worry about paying for it because its unlikely you'll remain jobless forever, so just make sure you have as many years of premium payments available as you intend to work.
If you're looking at growing your wealth, you can consider a diversified portfolio
that yields between 7 - 11% net of fees a year, especially since prices are so low now.
Since you don't have a lot of experience, you may want to start from funds that pay you steady dividends and have low volatility. Just please don't start with the STI.
If you'd like some advice on that, you can always nudge me.
Nicholes Wong
21 Dec 2018
Diploma in Business Management at Nanyang Polytechnic
Keep 6 months expenses for your emergency fund. Make sure for insurance at least get hospitilization...
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Hi Anon, do not be afraid about the yearly repayments of your insurance because like what Luke mentioned, you will not be unemployed forever. And premiums are usually cheaper the younger you are. Can't possibly be you do not buy insurance just cos you are afraid of being unemployed right? Haha.
Regarding your company's restrictions to buy shares, it's actually not as scary. You just need to ensure before you buy anything, seek for pre-clearance from Compliance first. They usually will approve it quite fast. And likely you will be required to hold it for 30 or 60 days before you can sell. But this should not be a problem since you should adopt long term investing mindset anyway haha.