facebookHow wise 6x emergency fund of monthly salary be profitable ? Can it be 25% - bank savings account 25% - Fixed Deposit 25% - Physical gold (bar/coin) 25% - investment account (eg. endows secure) - Seedly



26 Nov 2022

Saving Hacks

How wise 6x emergency fund of monthly salary be profitable ? Can it be 25% - bank savings account 25% - Fixed Deposit 25% - Physical gold (bar/coin) 25% - investment account (eg. endows secure)

Imagine if the emergency fund is 6x monthly salary which is 60k how it can be maintained wisely so we get a better yield

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It is actually wise of you to keep some physical gold as part of your emergency fund. With your stocks and bonds subjected to the integrity of the system created by others and cash never failing to bleed out in value, having physical gold with you is the best way to hold some of your wealth securely right by your side without counterparty risk. This would entail a whole new kind of emergency but its better to be safe than sorry!

However, with that said, it is still prudent to keep most of your emergency fund as liquid as possible like what everyone here is advising. The typical emergencies we know of would not require the need for gold and more should be directed towards cash savings in the bank and even some physical cash ready to go. I strongly recommend you to not use fixed deposits as the whole point of an emergency fund is to be able to access it immediately as and when needed.

As long as you have considered the ease of withdrawal in your mix, it is fine to split your emergency funds between high yield savings account and also safer investments like savings bond, t-bills (if you are getting a better rate than the HYSA)

Emergency funds should be liquid cash flow.

SHould not be tied up to mid-long term investments or i...

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