facebookHow to convert same stock from NASDAQ stock to HK share? - Seedly


06 Feb 2021

General Investing

How to convert same stock from NASDAQ stock to HK share?

Hi everyone, I am using FSMOne and I have a chinese company stock under NASDAQ (USD). Recently, I realise that the Chinese company stock has H shares (HK).

Now, I wonder what is the appropriate way to transfer the Nasdaq stock to HK shares? Is it possible that I don’t have to sell the Chinese NASDAQ Stock, convert the money currency from USD to HKD and buy the HK shares?

Hope to hear from you guys. Because I try to avoid the currency cost.

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06 Feb 2021

Owner and Writer at Tortoisemoney.com

I think you'd have to contact the broker directly to be able to exercise this option (assuming fully fungible shares, e.g., BABA and 9988.HK). Do note that there will likely be a cost, which is likely to be quite high. For example, Interactive Brokers has a list here, of the supported ADRs that they support for conversion to their respective listings on other exchanges. The fee charged is USD 500 for the conversion. So, if you can, it'll probably be better to just sell off the shares from the US exchange, convert to HKD and buy the shares on the HKEX.

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