facebookHow does Stashaway manage estate tax implications with its exposure to US Domiciled ETF? - Seedly


31 Aug 2020


How does Stashaway manage estate tax implications with its exposure to US Domiciled ETF?

I am particularly concerned given the investments are for long term.

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Similar reply I got from Stashway support over WhatsApp -

"With StashAway, the ownership of the US assets is indirect as StashAways' legal entity (Asia Wealth Platform Pte Ltd) is the one that holds the assets, and fractionalize them for our clients. Because of this structure, our clients should not be subject to this estate and gift tax."

So sounds like they have got it covered?

This reply from stash away was posted on hard ware zone

If you invest as an individual, the estate tax regulation applies. However, since you are registered on our ledger as a beneficiary of Asia Wealth Platform (StashAway's legal entity), which is a corporate, you are not subject to this estate and gift tax (unless you're an American citizen). This is also one of the advantages of investing with StashAway.


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