Am looking to start my own company, how do I accurately calculate and estimate the short term and long term costs brought about by the barrier to entry of the market?
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Pang Zhe Liang
27 Feb 2020
Lead of Research & Solutions at Havend Pte Ltd
Speak with veterans in the same or similar industries and ask them what were their biggest concerns when starting out? And what they have done to reach this level of success today?
Create a spreadsheet and walk yourself through every single process to starting up the company, and to sustain the business for at least three years. Understand the fundamentals, management, and operation of your business.
Then get your partner, close friend, financial consultant, or someone who you trust to walk through the same process with you. This is to check for blind spots and how to improve your business model in general.
Of course, create a good delta as a buffer to take care of unexpected risk and changes, e.g. start-up cost, policy change.
All in all, take considerable time to do careful planning with bold ideas. Then review till you convince everyone around you that it is a feasible model. That is the time when you know you are on the right track.
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