facebookHow do i purchase ETFs like the S&P 500 with a montly investment amount of 500 to 600 SGD? - Seedly

How do i purchase ETFs like the S&P 500 with a montly investment amount of 500 to 600 SGD?

Beginner investor here. I have invested in the STI ETF last month through DBS vickers and the minimum amt of shares required to make a purchase is 100. Does this apply to overseas stocks as well such as S&P 500 index funds? if so, does this mean that it is impossible to invest in this index fund with a sum of 500-600 SGD via dollar cost averaging?

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The minimum shares purchase of 100 do not apply to the US stock exchange.

It is possible. To do monthly investment, find a broker which offer Regular savings plan(RSP) for the US market. Example is FSMone. The broker offer monthly investment plans for extremely low fees. (Minimum 1USD for buy orders only)

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