Our downpayment are solely from CPF. Since we don't see any other purpose for our OA, CPF, we would like to maximise it for our BTO. We are younger than 30yo.
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Kent Toh
29 May 2023
Consultant at Sprinklr
By using the money from CPF Ordinary Account in order to make the down payment of your property, the CPF board will stop paying interest on the portion of money you have taken out. The money taken out to make the downpayment have to be paid back to CPF board along with the accrued interest - the 2.5% interest you earn should you not have used your CPF.
If you use CPF, you free up cash on hand. So if you are confident your cash can generate better returns 2.5% per annum...
Agree with the rest to pay the minimum and leave the rest of cpf oa to compounding interest. If you can, pay downpayment with cash and leave cpf as it is, or invest cpf in higher interest rate instrument. You may need the cpf oa money in near future so think carefully before transferring to Cpf SA as it is irreversible.
Javier Tan Yan Kai
27 May 2023
Actuarial Analyst at AIA
Transfer to SA lor
If you are a saver, then you lose the opportunity cost. if you are tend to splurge or don't budget w...
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Okay, there are a lot of ways to approach this. Some ppl feel that they dislike debt so mch so they try to pay off with as mch as they can. Some prefer to have more money, either cash or CPF that they prefer to make use of the low hdb loan and proceed with whatever plans they have.
So, since from the question it sounds like u don't see the point of having a lot in OA sitting around, would u prefer to have some sort of interest or jst wanna clear off debt?
Some ppl prefer to use OA to invest in sth with better yield. So it really depends on how far and wide have u considered for yourself.
The mentioned above are jst some examples. But these are all personal. So consider carefully.
Otherwise, can contact me to listen more.
All the best!