facebookHi seedly, I am an average salaryman with my emergency/insurance/investments covered but i still find myself worried living for the next paycheck. How do i overcome this, anyone feeling the same way? - Seedly



16 Jan 2022


Hi seedly, I am an average salaryman with my emergency/insurance/investments covered but i still find myself worried living for the next paycheck. How do i overcome this, anyone feeling the same way?

Scared that if i lose my job, i wont have $$ to pay for my upcoming house and have to touch my emergency funds...

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  • get a taxi license Or open a food delivery account. Get prepare 1st, dont do also nevermind. Full time the $$$ quite decent, fresh uni grad salary.

  • You got extra room to rent for upcoming house? Basically you can live for free. Use cpf to pay instalment, no need to fork out any cash. You just need to pay cash for downpayment.

  • start buiding up some passive income through dividend when you dont need the money. Although some say young people should not do dividend investing, opportunity cost, but when you really short of cash it will help.

Isn’t that what your emergency funds are for?
If you lose your job, use the funds to cover your expenses while you look for another job.

Unless you have underestimated your expenses and cash needs, your emergency funds should be enough to cover you for the period you planned for.

In this case, you should re-evaluate how long your emergency funds can actually cover you for. Start building up again to the time period that you are looking at.

And if need be, you can liquidate your investments to pay for the house so that you are not homeless.

Also consider getting additional sources of income if you are worried. Do side hustles or try to build up your expertise in other areas and see what other opportunities are available.


I think this is a struggle we all contend with. If you have done your due diligence, and it...

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