facebookHi! If one has $200k to put in ocbc360, and $100k to put into UOB ONE - which bank should one credit salary into to earn most interest? Thanks! (Assuming can hit $500 spend on cc too) - Seedly



10 Dec 2022



Hi! If one has $200k to put in ocbc360, and $100k to put into UOB ONE - which bank should one credit salary into to earn most interest? Thanks! (Assuming can hit $500 spend on cc too)

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I would suggest instead of saving the amount in bank account please access your risk level and start investing. Recommended to keep 6Γ— or max 12Γ— monthly expense as emergency fund and remaining you can invest in bonds, index, MF based on your risk profile. You can use money sense or money owl to review your financial profile. Regarding your question I think uob one is the better choice to credit your salary.

For more I recommend watch this


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