facebookHas anyone re-adjust their risk level on StashAway due to the recent crash in China? - Seedly


10 Aug 2021


Has anyone re-adjust their risk level on StashAway due to the recent crash in China?

It seems like StashAway still intend to hold certain percentage in KWEB?

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While there are regulatory risks that increases uncertainty for tech, I feel that China is still such a big market that investors cannot ignore. As such, instead of choosing to decrease my exposure to China as a whole, I chose to decrease my exposure to Chinese Tech and instead look towards A shares that are generally less volatile and are not the focus for the recent crackdowns. Hope this helps!

You should never abandon a robo investor just because of a "crash". Your decision should be informed by other factors such as whether the StashAway's investment strategy diverges significantly from your outlook/requirements.

Tan Choong Hwee

11 Aug 2021

Solutions Specialist at Providend

How come you want to re-adjust StashAway risk level because of its China exposure? It is in their in...

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