facebookHappy Chinese New Year!!! Is going to KL or Ipoh or Penang jam in this festive holiday seasons - Seedly



31 Jan 2025



Happy Chinese New Year!!! Is going to KL or Ipoh or Penang jam in this festive holiday seasons

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Apparently it wasn't so bad to head into JB over the weekends that just passed, we did cross the border early (like 730am) though - seems like it's not a bad idea to hop on over the border during the first weekend of CNY, been doing that for awhile now.


Can't say for the NSE to the northern parts of Malaysia though.

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I went last year in the middle of the night. After 2am its smoother with small stretches of jams due to accidents

I think many of the chinese-owned stores will be closed. So you may not get to see or eat what you want.

Not sure. I'll prefer to go to Penang by plan. Happy Lunar New Year.

Not sure about Ipoh or Penang but JB not jammed...

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