facebookDCA Strategy (Endowus S&P500) - Does it really work? Total invested (18Jan2023): $1080; Value (end-Feb 2023): $1103 Returns: 2.13% - Seedly


DCA Strategy (Endowus S&P500) - Does it really work? Total invested (18Jan2023): $1080; Value (end-Feb 2023): $1103 Returns: 2.13%

2nd month:

Initial investment in Jan 2023 of $790, and monthly buys of $290 (+ ad-hoc investments depending on situation). Very small now but that's the point of DCA.

The fund I chose was "LionGlobal Infinity U.S S&P 500 Stock Index Fund" because I wanted a diversified exposure to all sectors of the US stock market (in addition to my own stock portfolio).

I also wanted it to be fuss-free (hence Endowus as it also allows me to invest CPF OA monies if I wanted to).

Will post on a monthly basis, sort of as a testament of "why DCA works". Join me on my journey!

Any and all questions welcome!

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