facebookCan anyone recommend any robo-advisor for stocks? - Seedly



04 May 2020


Can anyone recommend any robo-advisor for stocks?

I would like to have a trusted robo-advisor for stocks since i dont really know much. I already used syfe but i feel that it is for bonds, commodity and ETFs?

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Elijah Lee

04 May 2020

Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)

Hi anon,

There are no robo advisors for stocks that I know of for the retail investor.

You'll have to either manage your stocks on your own, or you will have to get someone to manage for you. Phillip does have discretionary portfolios whereby a fund manager will decide what/when to invest based on the strategy and sector you've chosen, and I do provide discretionary customized portfolios for clients who wish to have a bit more say in the direction of their investments but leave the actual finer details to investment team.

Hariz Arthur Maloy

04 May 2020

Independent Financial Advisor at Promiseland Independent

Hi Anon,

Yes there are individual stock managed accounts distributed by FAs but they aren't passively managed.

Many of them also don't use coded algorithms or AI to make portfolio decisions. But instead is managed by a CIO that's in charge of the total portfolio. iFast, Phillip Securities, and Havenport are some of the ones I distribute and can provide access to.

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