facebookTiq Invest ILP Ratings Mar 2025

Tiq Invest ILP

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4 reviews

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Tiq Invest ILP Review 2024

The 2 in 1 Investment-Linked Insurance Plan (ILP) combining life protection and wealth accumulation is managed by the local expertise of Etiqa Insurance with advisory from OAC Singapore Pte Ltd, together with the global investment experiences of reputable Funds Managers like Dimensional Fund Advisors, PIMCO Global Advisors (Ireland), BlackRock Global Funds and Lion Global Investors.

Low & transparent fee at 0.75% p.a. With just $1,000 to kick-start, choose from 4 customized packages which are designed to maximize returns at your comfortable risk level. Besides, stay fluid in uncertain times with access to cash anytime.

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Tiq Invest ILP Review 2024

The 2 in 1 Investment-Linked Insurance Plan (ILP) combining life protection and wealth accumulation is managed by the local expertise of Etiqa Insurance with advisory from OAC Singapore Pte Ltd, together with the global investment experiences of reputable Funds Managers like Dimensional Fund Advisors, PIMCO Global Advisors (Ireland), BlackRock Global Funds and Lion Global Investors.

Low & transparent fee at 0.75% p.a. With just $1,000 to kick-start, choose from 4 customized packages which are designed to maximize returns at your comfortable risk level. Besides, stay fluid in uncertain times with access to cash anytime.

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Tiq Invest ILP (Single Premium)

Single Premium
Till age 100
Death, Terminal Illness
4 Packaged Funds

Tiq Invest ILP (Single Premium)



Single Premium


Till age 100


Death, Terminal Illness


4 Packaged Funds


Reviews (4)


4 Reviews


      Posted 14 Dec 2024


      Tiq Invest ILP (Single Premium)

      Fuss- free, easy usage and straightforward. Can enjoy tops ups anytime. Also no withdrawal penalties recommended


      What are your thoughts?

      Posted 10 Nov 2022


      Tiq Invest ILP (Single Premium)

      Fuss free application process. Able to select recurring and ad-hoc topups! No withdrawal fees. Able to withdraw anytime (No lock-in period). Low fund management fees. Great alternative for investing! Customer chat bot is fast and efficient. Able to answer my queries.


      What are your thoughts?

      Posted 02 Nov 2023


      Tiq Invest ILP (Single Premium)

      The 2 in 1 Investment-Linked Insurance Plan (ILP) combining life protection and wealth accumulation is managed by the local expertise of Etiqa Insurance with advisory from OAC Singapore Pte Ltd, together with the global investment experiences of reputable Funds Managers like Dimensional Fund Advisors, PIMCO Global Advisors (Ireland), BlackRock Global Funds and Lion Global Investors.


      What are your thoughts?

      Posted 16 Nov 2022


      Tiq Invest ILP (Single Premium)

      [Sign Up] Super easy and straight forward. Managed to also set up recurring payment to dollar cost average. [Withdrawal Process] Easy to withdraw if you need to. Everything can be sorted out via the app.


      What are your thoughts?

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      Nature and Objective of Plan

      This is a single Premium investment-linked insurance plan that is designed to meet your wealth accumulation needs. It matures on the Policy anniversary immediately before the Life insured attains 100 years old. This plan provides protection against death and Terminal illness of the Life insured during the policy term. This plan allows you the flexibility to choose from a list of Packaged funds for investment. This plan is subject to the market performance of the assets of the ILP sub-funds. Your investment returns are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal invested. The value of the units in the Packaged fund may fall as well as rise depending on economic / market conditions. This is a guaranteed issuance policy which means that Etiqa Insurance issues this policy without asking for your health declaration or medical checks at the time of application.

      Plan Benefits

      Death Benefit

      Upon death of the Life insured while the policy is in force, the death Benefit payable is the higher of: a) the Account value; or b) 105% of the single Premium paid and 105% of the total Top-up(s) less any partial withdrawal(s); less any amounts owing to Etiqa Insurance. When Etiqa Insurance makes this payment, the policy ends. Account value is the value of all the units in your policy less any applicable fees and charges.

      Terminal Illness (TI) Benefit

      If the Life insured has a Terminal illness while the policy is in force, Etiqa Insurance will pay the death Benefit in one lump sum. The maximum aggregate amount payable is Five Million Singapore Dollars (S$ 5,000,000) per Life insured for all policies and riders issued by Etiqa Insurance with Terminal illness Benefit. If the Terminal illness Benefit payable is lesser than the death Benefit, the death Benefit will be automatically reduced by the amount paid for the Terminal illness. The policy remains in force and the remaining death Benefit is the original death Benefit less the amount paid for Terminal illness. If the Terminal illness Benefit payable is the same as the death Benefit, the policy ends when Etiqa Insurance makes this payment. Terminal illness is the conclusive diagnosis of an illness that is expected to result in the death of the Life insured within twelve (12) months. This diagnosis must be supported by a specialist and confirmed by the Company’s appointed Doctor. Terminal illness in the presence of HIV infection is excluded.

      Surrender Benefit

      You may surrender Your policy in full or partially through partial withdrawal(s). Upon full surrender, Etiqa Insurance will pay the surrender Benefit in one lump sum which is equivalent to the Account value, less any amounts owing to Etiqa Insurance. You may request for a full surrender at any time after the free look period.

      Partial Withdrawal

      While the policy is in force, you may request for partial withdrawal(s) at any time, subject to the following:

      • to specify the amount to withdraw from the Packaged fund(s);
      • the minimum partial withdrawal amount is S$200 and the remaining amount in each Packaged fund must be at least S$200;
      • partial withdrawal(s) is not allowed if the remaining amount in each Packaged fund falls below the minimum requirement after withdrawal(s).

      Etiqa Insurance reserves the right to revise the minimum partial withdrawal amount at any time by giving You thirty (30) days’ written notice.

      Partial withdrawal(s) will reduce the Account value by the withdrawn amount. Partial withdrawal(s) will be processed proportionately according to the respective ILP sub-funds allocations.

      Maturity Benefit

      At the Maturity date on the Policy anniversary immediately before the Life insured attains 100 years old, if the policy is still in force, you will receive a lump sum maturity Benefit which is equivalent to the Account value, less any amounts owing to Etiqa Insurance.

      Subscription of Funds

      Premium Allocation

      100% of the single Premium paid and all Top-up(s) will be invested into your selected Packaged fund. The Premium shall be invested according to the respective ILP sub-funds allocations.

      Structure of the ILP Sub–Funds in the Packaged Fund

      Each Packaged fund comprises of a list of ILP sub-funds and each ILP sub-fund is a feeder fund that feeds 100% into an umbrella fund. Each ILP sub-fund will invest the assets in accordance with the investment objective and strategy determined by the ILP sub-fund Manager from time to time. Etiqa Insurance makes no recommendation in respect of the Packaged fund that you choose to invest in. It is your responsibility to obtain the necessary information and assess the suitability of the Packaged fund.

      Available Packaged Funds

      This plan allows you the flexibility to choose from a list of Packaged funds for investment. Please refer to the Fund Summary for the list of Packaged funds as well as their ILP sub-funds and allocations. The Packaged fund returns are subject to the market performance of the assets of the ILP sub-funds highlighted in the Fund Factsheet.

      Note that Etiqa Insurance may, as deemed appropriate, at any time

      • introduce new ILP sub-funds;
      • restrict new investments in any of the ILP sub-funds;
      • merge two or more of the ILP sub-funds;
      • terminate any of the ILP sub-funds;
      • adjust the ILP sub-funds allocation in the Packaged fund.

      The terms of this policy apply to each Packaged fund, including the newly setup Packaged fund.

      How to apply for Tiq Invest

      Visit Etiqa Insurance website for more details on the ILP

      Insurer's Contact Information

      Customer Care Hotline: +65 6887 8777
      Customer Care Email: [email protected] 


      This policy is underwritten by Etiqa Insurance Pte. Ltd.

      Tiq Invest is an Investment-linked Plan (ILP) which invest in ILP sub-fund(s). Investments in this plan are subject to investment risks including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. The performance of the ILP sub-fund(s) is not guaranteed and the value of the units in the ILP sub-fund(s) and the income accruing to the units, if any, may fall or rise. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of the future performance of the ILP sub-fund(s).

      A product summary and product highlights sheet(s) relating to the ILP sub-fund(s) are available and may be obtained from Tiq Invest. A potential investor should read the product summary and product highlights sheet(s) before deciding whether to subscribe for units in the ILP sub-fund(s).

      As buying a life insurance policy is a long-term commitment, an early termination of the policy usually involves high costs and the surrender value, if any, that is payable to you may be zero or less than the total premiums paid. You should seek advice from a financial adviser before deciding to purchase the policy. If you choose not to seek advice, you should consider if the policy is suitable for you.

      This content is for reference only and is not a contract of insurance.

      Full details of the policy terms and conditions can be found in the policy contract.

      This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact Tiq Invest or visit the Life Insurance Association (LIA) or SDIC web-sites.

      This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

      Contact us at [email protected] should you require any assistance or spot any inaccuracies.
