facebookWould you invest in Grab when it goes public? - Seedly



20 Apr 2021



Would you invest in Grab when it goes public?

Grab has recently filed for IPO by merging with a SPAC, as a home grown company, would you consider investing in it? What are you thoughts and reasoning behind that decision ?

Discussion (5)

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Definitely No. For a company that lost 800million over 1+ billion revenue to be launched at a usd 40 billion valuation is insane. Moreover , plus the voting rights of 60+ % with a 2% share holdings are obviously taking a free ride from the investors. Beside this, I do not see grab having any competitive advantage to gain any leadership positions in other markets other than in Singapore/Malaysia. They keep saying it is a super app? Maybe many did not have the chance to experience wepay and alipay. Personally I am not a user of grab app, and I definitely can live without it.


19 Apr 2021

Financial Services Consultant at Manulife FA

Would definitely consider investing into Grab, after portioning a reasonable amount of my total investment portfolio.

Considering Grab's market share and its ambition towards many areas of its business model, close monitoring it will definitely be crucial as to whether they will be able to achieve what they have set out to do.


17 Apr 2021

Owner and Writer at Tortoisemoney.com

Copying my answer from another question:

Nah, personally not too keen.

Despite their goal in becom...

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