facebookWhat's the difference between Shareable Asset and REITs? - Seedly


02 Dec 2020



What's the difference between Shareable Asset and REITs?

What's the difference between Shareable Asset and REITs?

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Asset ticket size in REITs generally ranges from USD 500 million to 1 billion. However, any asset owners who want to sell their assets can now efficiently liquidate their assets through the Shareable Asset platform without geographical limitations.

shareable Asset's platform uses blockchain technology to divide real estate assets into bite-sized units, so that investors with portfolios of all sizes, both retail and professional, can buy and sell them.

Users can buy and sell fractions of residential (subject to respective countries’ regulations), commercial, hospitality, or industrial real estate with the single click of a button – much quicker and less headache than what is associated with traditional real estate investment.

SA purchase physical real estate assets and receive rentals from tenants. The rental fees will be transferred to an approved third party custody/escrow account and SA pay dividends to the digital security holders.

Also, SA's security tokens can only be traded on approved security exchanges such as 1exchange. SA's security tokens cannot be traded on crypto exchanges.

SA also work with real estate owners, developers and brokers. They can help SA sell the physical assets and any capital gains from the sale of the investments will be fully distributed to investors.

In terms of ownership, nothing has changed from the traditional way of owning a property. Instead of one wealthy investor owning a SGD10 million property, fractional ownership allows 100, 1000 or 10,000 owners to own the same property. The investors are the legal owners of the property.

Please read this blog

Shareable Asset : https://www.shareableasset.com/insights/​​​

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