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Might be some disruptions looming ahead as there are some synethic diamonds which are getting popular! Will it affect their business?
A company that got to do with diamonds. Diamond seems to be high quality but this company doesn't se...
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Sarine Business is in the selling of Gem mapping equipments. Their machines are mainly used to grade the quality of Natural mined DIamonds. Recently they started mvoign to other gemstones such as Ruby and Synthtetic Diamonds. Their main customers are the polish diamond parties in India.
However recently revenue has been falling because the demand for natural diamonds has fllane because of synthetic diamond competition. To compound it, India's banking system is cutting down credit to the middle men diamond polishers. This has resulted in suppliers being unable to buy too much of Sarine Tech Galaxy equipment.
The company has proven during good times, it has wonderful cash flow ability. This is because they are the only few legit diamond mapping company; although there has been imitation trying to copy their program.