facebookWould you admit using generative AI tools i.e. ChatGPT, etc. when asked? What other generative AI tools do you use in your daily tasks? - Seedly


Edited 14 Jun 2023


Would you admit using generative AI tools i.e. ChatGPT, etc. when asked? What other generative AI tools do you use in your daily tasks?

Had lunch with a friend recently. Shared a job interview session where she asked whether the interviewee used ChatGPT in his cover letter and resume. The materials were very well written! The interviewee looked stunned and pondered awhile before admitting.

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Chatgpt free online is now becoming a great work support tool for us at https://chatgptfree.onl/

If you want to try ChatGPT for free, you can visti CGPTOnline: https://cgptonline.tech/

I find it a compliment if someone thinks what I wrote is AI generated. In professional situations I wouldn't admit to using AI tools. But if a friend asks me, I would admit

I would admit and even use it to my advantage.

I would skew it to my favour and say that even th...

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